your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

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<<Oct. 12, 2003 9:35 p.m.>>
dixon ticonderoga 1388-2/HB (soft)

today i stuck a pencil in my bra strap, and with one swift motion of my head it was sent tumbling down into my sweater where the tip roughly met the insde of my arm. upon piercing the flesh it left an indistinct piece of graphite imbedded safely 'neath my body's protective casing, a reminder of my clumsiness and a warning of what such a foreboding instrument can do

i'd be lying if i said something more engaging happened to me today

i think i am a little bit behind the curve. i never dreamt about marriage when i was a little girl, the most thought i ever gave to the whole ordeal was when i was 6 and decided i wanted "kung fu fighting" playing as i judo-chopped my way down the aisle. now at 16 with 10 years of "experience," all of which brings me no closer to understanding humans, i have come up with a fairly basic list of things my so-called life partner must not only enjoy but worship

and one of them will most definitely be "sitting outside in the winter with nothing but a blanket shielding my shivering body from the elements and inhaling the smell of woodsmoke." because it is better than...watching tv
