your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

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<<Oct. 08, 2003 5:54 p.m.>>

i don't whine enough

i have SAT's on saturday,my friend "accidentally" cut my face with her ring so i will have a nice gash on my cheek when i take my senior portrait friday, the water in my frocking house smells like gasoline and these so-called experts cannot explain why so we have been doing everything that involves water with bottles and jugs, and my tonsils are trying to run away from home

i feel like a pile of rotting shit

anyhoo, in english 101 today we were categorizing people in our class to demonstrate how it is hard to see beyond stereotypes even when you have a more personal relationship with someone, and when we got to me it got silent. people just kind stared at me thinking, or cocked their head to the side. one football player mumbled "she's...strange" moments before someone yelled out "miscellaneous!"

that's me, i'm the lone m&m on the bottom of your junk drawer
