your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

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<<Oct. 31, 2003 7:18 p.m.>>
happy samhain

dressing up for halloween is hard when i look like this when i am feeling sassy(those are little plastic babies in my hat...!)

but last night around 11, in a fit of creativity, i decided i wanted to be sylvia plath. so i found my best 50's-esque outfit and made a little oven out of a cardboard box. some might say it was a little tasteless demonstrating how the great mind killed herself, but i got a kick out of it. besides, i think i payed homage to her in an odd way

i hung up an Onion article in my sculpture class about how generic candy corn gives you AIDS. is it brach's? no? well stay away unless you want a full-blown case of the AIDS virus. the looks on the faces of some of the kids was priceless

and a little boy came to my house tonight and screamed "SUP!" when i greeted him...
