your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

mod | retro | sign | rings | profile | notes | toothpaste | design | vagabonds | host

<<2003-09-14 8:57 p.m.>>

today, with my magical powers, i ripped 17 newspaper pages, spilled coffee on 5 articles, drew 9 robots and one lovely scarfed creature, and sneezed eleventybillion times. all in all it was a very productive sunday

it would be nice if i could find some smiths vinyl, light up sneakers, and a digital camera all in one day wouldn't it. maybe if i sprinkle froot loop dust under my pillow before i go to bed my sugary dreams will come true

about an hour ago my mom and i were boxing and she smacked my ass incredibly hard and sitting is still very very uncomfortable. oh jeeze...
