your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

mod | retro | sign | rings | profile | notes | toothpaste | design | vagabonds | host

<<2003-09-01 11:32 p.m.>>
long and hard

some days i never get out of pj's. i do not shower. i do not brush my hair...or my teeth. these are days when it is best for no human to see me. sadly, these days happen quite often, so while thinking about colleges i told myself i should take these things into consideration when chosing a profession. only one job seemed to fit my criteria, thus my plan to become a phone sex operator (pretend you heard a booming echoey voice, please)

and perhaps, just perhaps, i will run a shifty one like in punch drunk love...but only, yes only, if sir phillip seymour hoffman agrees to be my sugar daddy. i have morals, ya know...
