your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

mod | retro | sign | rings | profile | notes | toothpaste | design | vagabonds | host

<<2003-08-23 2:11 a.m.>>
i am a yamaha

i can weave blankets out of papertowels soaked in mud and that little tingle you get when you stand up too fast. i can make you a rug out of coke cans, bile, and the silence that comes right before a sneeze. if you've ever seen a rabbit shaped cloud with cherry tomatoes and the ocassional postcard stuck in it's fur, that was my work. i can make these things for you, all you need to do is ask. one problem, though, is i cannot make you feel safer with the guarantee that i am an expert seamstress. after all, i crafted my life and look at how it's ripping apart at the seams
