your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

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<<2003-07-31 11:09 p.m.>>
hard fruit

i consistently eat unripe peaches. why i do this, i do not know. its as if i believe the second my teeth penetrate their fuzzy flesh they will become soft and juicy. but of course that never happens, and once i bite into a rock hard and damn near flavourless peach i am always disapointed

today i managed to pack everything in my room except my clothes. walking through the masses of boxes and clothes and shoes and garbage bags and stacks of magazines is a dangerous task i would not recommend attempting unless you too are an organized mess

and when i say organized mess i mean being able to reach your hand into a massive pile and instantly pull out a lone piece of paper you needed like it was nothing. this magical power, one that i encompass, may not get you far in life but it sure is something to brag about

i'll be 16 in 16 days. i like to pretend that means something...
