your intestines smell of an ignited elevator shaft

mod | retro | sign | rings | profile | notes | toothpaste | design | vagabonds | host

<<2003-07-25 2:15 p.m.>>

my dad's girlfriend's son (who i refer to as my stepbrother being that we live together) and i have known each other for almost 8 years now. i used to think he was a complete pussy and he used to think i was an obnoxious bitch so we kept our "quality time" to a minimum, but the past few years we've actually been getting along like civil human beings

proof of this is our ability to stay up until 4 a.m. making bad electroclash songs on his computer. i made him put on a trucker hat so he could channel the spirit of a williamsburg, brooklyn hipster, and we named our 2 person project The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall

needless to say, fame is right around the corner...
